
Depression services offered in Victorville, Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside CA and Las Vegas NV

Depression is a mood disorder that effects the body and the mind. Fortunately, help is available at High Desert Psychological Services via an experienced team of behavioral health professionals who provide Depression counseling at locations in Victorville, Rancho Cucamonga, and Riverside, California. It’s never too late to seek help for Depression; call the nearest office today or request an appointment online.

Question and Answers

What is depression?

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is one of the most common mood disorders. Depression causes severe physical and emotional symptoms that change the way you think, feel, and manage daily activities. At times, depression can cause feelings of self-loathing or the belief that life isn’t worth living.

If you’re thinking about suicide or hurting yourself, call 911 or go to your local emergency center immediately.

Depression isn’t a sign of weakness or something you need to “snap out of.” It’s a real and treatable condition, and the team at High Desert Psychological Services is here to help.

What are the types of depression?

Depression can manifest in many ways. Some of the most common types of depression include:

  • Persistent depressive disorder, which lasts for two years or longer
  • Postpartum depression, which some women experience after having a baby
  • Seasonal affective disorder, which occurs when there’s less natural sunlight
  • Bipolar disorder, which is a separate condition that can involve depressive episodes

Sometimes, depression is due to another condition, such as substance use or addiction. Major life changes, such as the loss of a job or loved one, can also trigger depression. Regardless of the type of depression you have, know that help is available at High Desert Psychological Services.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Unlike sadness or grief, depression lasts for at least two weeks and causes negative emotions for most of the day, nearly every day. Signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of guilt, shame, or worthlessness
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and pleasurable activities
  • Changes in sleep and/or eating habits
  • Extreme tiredness or fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering
  • Unexplained physical ailments, such as headaches or digestive problems
  • Thoughts of death, suicide, or self-harm

Depression can affect people of all ages, but it most often begins during the late teens to mid-20s. High Desert Psychological Services works with patients from age 4 on up.

How is depression treated?

Your High Desert Psychological Services counselor takes the time to understand your unique symptoms and works with you to develop a mental health care plan tailored to your needs.

Depression treatment is highly personalized, but it may include medication, therapy, or lifestyle changes like exercising, eating nutritious foods, and using stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga.

To find relief from depression, call High Desert Psychological Services today or request an appointment online.